Friday, October 28, 2011


So, for those of you who are just tuning in, I hurt my hand/wrist on Wednesday. (check out the blog on it When Garage Doors attack: A stall in my training?)

On Thursday more of my arm hurt.  The pain and stiffness extended from my wrist to just past my elbow.  I was having a hard time using my hand for anything, so I decided to call the doctor.

Sure enough, my doctor started examining my hand and noticed a lot of tension in my arm. So, it was off to the lab for x rays!

After they took my picture I came back to my doctors office and had a mini-melt down.  I knew that if my wrist was broken I wouldn't be able to compete in the Spartan race

My nerves were on edge! I didn't know what to expect, and I played out the various scenarios in my head.

Shortly after my mini freak out my doctor came back telling me the good news:


Here's the not-so-great side of this story though: I do have a sprained wrist.  However, the doctor said that after about a week I could begin slowly easing it back into use.  In the meantime, I have to wear a wrist support band (It looks like I'm ready for some intense bowling). 

I also have to ice my wrist every hour for 15 minutes, along with taking Ibuprofin.  I'm practicing some range of motion exercises too.

I'm sad because the race is about 3 weeks away and I didn't realize how much I use my wrist in almost everything I do! I couldn't jog on Thursday night because the jarring motion hurt my arm and wrist!

It's also crazy how much it affects everything.  The pain has now spread from my wrist to my shoulder. OW.

Never in my life have I had a physical goal that I've been trying to work towards.  When this accident happened I didn't realize what that would mean for my training.  It's going to be a cut back, but hopefully I can strengthen myself enough to get through it! As I said in an earlier post, it's good to be reminded that no matter how strong I try to make myself, my body is ultimately weak, vulnerable.  It's a humbling reminder to keep life balanced.  It's good to be healthy, but keep in mind that ultimately your life is not yours to control!

1 comment:

  1. "It's good to be healthy, but keep in mind that ultimately your life is not yours to control" Boy, those sure are words to live by! I'm glad you're not broken, merely battered.
