Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The death of a legacy

Well. I'm sad to say I have finally had enough.

That's right.

I'm killing the salad I eat every day for lunch.

I've never enjoyed a salad so much. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I ate it every day for lunch for nearly 3 months. Maybe you remember it from a previous blog post?

However, today my taste buds couldn't take it anymore and I had to come to the conclusion that I need a change in my daily salad-ing.

I need your  help to bring to life a new salad! What do you suggest?


  1. I prefer a nice meat salad.

    - I like to start off with a chopped steak - medium rare - base (5 oz. for dieting; 7 oz for not).
    - To that I mix in some precooked sliced pork chopped (2 oz. for dieting; 3 oz. for not).
    - I add a healthy sprinkling of crumbled bacon.
    - I use a judicious amount of A1 BBQ sauce to bring out the flavor.
    - I add a garnish of fried chicken breast to round out the salad.

    If you eat one of these a day for the rest of your diet, you're sure to look just like me!

  2. Pardon me; step 2 should read: "sliced pork CHOP," not "choppped." A subtle if potentially disastrous error.
