Sorry. I probably should have warned you before dropping that bit of knowledge. This blog is titled TMI? (Which stands for Too Much Information) because it contains TMI.
There. Now you've been warned. Continue if you must.
During my 2 weeks of vacation I drank large amounts of coffee in the morning, had a beer every night, and had very little water inbetween. Also, I didn't take bathroom breaks when I should have. (because seriously, who wants to stop hanging out at the glorious beach to walk back 2 blocks to your house to go pee?) All of this resulted in a caffeine and alcohol cocktail brewing in my bladder. Again. TMI?
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So, why am I sharing this with you? Because my doctor also told me to "Take it easy. Take a week or so off of exercising to give your body rest". So, I'm down for this week. In addition, I can only drink water or cranberry juice. NO CAFFEINE. I know right?? How's a girl supposed to survive???
Now I find myself frustrated for feeling lazy, and sad because I don't feel good. An old coping technique has kicked in that might throw me off of my training... I cope by eating junk food.
Yesterday I ate 6 cupcakes and a piece of cake. I KNOW RIGHT? I need help! I need accountability!
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I made this cake as a prop for a filming shoot we were doing yesterday. I ate so much frosting while making it! GROSS! |
So, I'm trying to be okay with taking it easy. In the midst of that, I need to actually take care of myself and not drown myself in junk. Easier said than done right now.
On the bright side, during my vacation I gained 5 pounds. When I weighed in on Thursday I was back to my pre-vacation weight! Wahoo for a one week turnaround of 5 pounds! Now let's just see if I can keep it off in the midst of this crazy binge!
All this to say. If you see me eating something that you think I shouldn't be.... don't be afraid to talk to me about it. Of course, if you want to be dramatic you can always smack it out of my hands..... But I can't promise my husband won't retaliate. :-)
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