Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This outfit brought to you by: God (and Katie)

I LOVE my job!

I work at a non-profit Christian company that works to help people with disabilities worldwide. It's an encouraging place to be, and the work is SO MUCH FUN! I get to edit footage every day, and indulge my creative side. It's awesome.

Another amazing thing about working here: THE PEOPLE. 

Hands down I have the best co-workers ever! Everyone is so supportive here!

Need proof? Okay. How about this?

I work with a girl named Katie.  She is a sweet sweet girl who has a natural gift for giving.  One day I walked past her department and she complimented my shirt. She then reached into a drawer and pulled out a shirt that looked similar to mine and just gave it to me!! She said she sometimes goes to thrift stores and picks up things she likes, even if they don't fit. So, she just happened to have this awesome shirt that was my size waiting in her drawer, and she didn't hesitate to give it away. How awesome is that?

Well today she struck again.

Currently I'm going through a lot of changes. I'm losing weight so fast that I don't want to buy new clothes. I'm also trying to grow out my pixie hair cut.  The combination of the two sent me into a frenzy as I was trying to get ready for work this morning. I felt stuck in an inbetween phase and I was feeling frustrated about it.

Don't get me wrong! I'm happy about the changes that are happening, but keeping up with the changes can be difficult when you have to wear clothes that won't fall off of you while you're working :-)

As I stood at my closet trying to make something work I frantically thought about how I would need to buy new clothes. Currently that's not a wise financial decision for us. Also, my body is changing so fast I'd probably need newer clothes shortly after.  I weighed my options. I considered hopping on this blog and begging any girls reading this who know me to donate clothes for the cause :-) but in general I decided this was a weird and bad idea.  I walked out of the house wearing saggy clothes resigned to the fact that I'd just have to endure being a little uncomfortable.

But. God knew what I needed.

I stepped out at work to take a phone call. When I returned to my desk, there was sweet Katie standing next to a box that she had placed near my chair.  She proceeded to explain that last night she just felt the need to collect a bunch of her clothes that no longer fit and to give them to me! The large box was FULL of all kinds of different beautiful clothes! Not only that, but business casual clothes that I can wear to work!!

I cannot tell you how moved I was to receive such a gift.  I immediately went and changed into a new pair of slack that are 2 sizes smaller than the ones I wore into work this morning. They fit PERFECTLY. 

How awesome is God? He knows what we need, and when we need it.  Even the most minute things. He knows about them and cares for them.

And how awesome is my co-worker Katie for being obedient to such an obscure calling.  I can't thank her enough for it!

In the meantime, I can't wait to rock my new clothes! I quickly snapped a picture of a dress at work, but I'm going to take pics of everything later and post them here.
*Please note the goofy delight in my eyes!

I think Katie reads this blog.... So Katie, if you're reading this: YOU ARE SUCH A BLESSING TO ME!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

God is the True Provider. Even of clothes :-)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Wedding.... WAIT.... weight???

Just a lil update.

I weighed in today as yesterday marked the end of Week 5. 

I gasped at the number.... 


I stepped off 3 times and tried it over convinced the number was wrong. Alas, it came out the same each time.

Holy wow! For not trying to lose a specific number, I feel like I'm doing alright!

However, I haven't been as diligent this week in diet, so we will see what happens next week.  I'm very encouraged at this point!

AND I have a new accountability buddy.  I'll share more about her later.

For now, I am signing off. EXCITED.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Is the honeymoon over already???

Well. I have finished my first month of training. I'm happy to report that I have lost

9 pounds in 1 month!

That's equivalent to the weight of most newborn babies.....

Or even some small dogs.....

Or 4,077 dimes!

Which makes me one dime-y dame.... Okay that was lame

I'm encouraged by these results, but I'm not doing this for the weight loss, I'm doing this for 2 reasons:

1. To help encourage daily taking care of my body

2. To become stronger

This past week a co-worker was discussing my fitness routine. She was talking about having lost weight and then gaining half or so back. She said that once she got to her goal weight she had a hard time continuing to eat well and workout. She was being so sweet and encouraging to me and reminding me of how important it is to keep it up daily.

Now, I'm not saying this won't happen to me, but I was encouraged that I'm not trying to get to a goal weight. No, I'm trying to establish habits that will help me be healthier and thus help me compete in the Spartan race. Ironically, this is the first time in my life where I have had a fitness goal that didn't include a goal weight, and it has already been easier to lose weight than whenever I have tried in the past! I pray that when it's all over that these healthy habits remain.

That's how this first month has been. But it's also been nice and easy because I've been running on the endorphins of the excitement that comes from a new fitness routine. Now, however, the game is getting harder. This past week I found myself not working out as long, or not pushing myself as much. Eating well is really starting to become a challenge as well.

Do you hear that?


Yup. That's the walls of my preconceived notions crashing down. The honeymoon has ended and reality is here.

So it's getting hard. This is encouraging though. I have been praying through this whole process. Now I am being forced to see my need for Gods help in this. I am doing this all as an act of worship to God, and when it gets difficult I am reminded of how much I need Him!

So, the next time I reach for that sweet I can come to prayer and say "help me Jesus!" and I know He will.

In that though I could really use accountability! Ask me the next time you see me how I've been doing, and don't let me get away with just saying "good...."

What kind of things do you struggle with that remind you of your need for Gods help? I'd love to hear about it!!

Well, I'm excited for this next month, let the adventure continue!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Thursday June 10 marked my third week of training. From this point on I hope to blog every Thursday. I have completely changed my diet in addition to working out. In general I feel incredible. I have so much energy and strength. At work, I always take the stairs. When I first started 2 months ago at this job the stairs had the power to wind me. Now, after only three weeks of concentrated effort I will occasionally run up and down them throughout the day for fun!

Not only am I feeling healthier, but I feel like my attitude is drastically changing. People at my work who do not know me are referring to me as "gym girl"...!!!! That is insane to me! I used to hate going to the gym and now, I cannot wait to get in there!

All of these things are great, but the most noticeable change has been the weight loss. I weighed in on Thursday and since my initial weigh in 3 weeks ago I have lost 6 pounds!!

Here is a picture of me from late March of this year (2011) as of June 10 I have lost 12 pounds since this picture was taken. Below the picture from March is a picture of me taken today.  This is super embarrassing because I'm definitely not doing this for the physical benefits, and if I were, where my body is today would not be my idea of perfection. Nonetheless, credit should go where it is due, and it's important for me to show you a physical representation of the spiritual transformation happening in my life. So... Here you go:

March 2011

June 12, 2011

it's my goal to post one of these photos once a month... For nothing else than personal accountability!

One thing that has been problematic is my left foot. My first week of training I ran a mile in my Vibrams (check them out!)

For months I have worn these shoes to workout in. I have greatly strengthened my feet, but up until May 19th I had never jogged or ran in them. When I ran, my feet felt completely different. Afterward they were incredibly sore. My right foot went back to feeling okay, but the left still hurts. In week 2 I ran in regular tennis shoes, but afterward my foot still hurt. I have started walking with a slight limp. I think I have strained the muscles in the foot. I took it easy this week and didn't run, I just did workouts. Hopefully I'll figure out how to fix what's wrong soon! Prayer would be appreciated!

What things are you doing in your life that you're seeing results in? There is such joy in the small things!!

The Plan

Here's the routine I have been implementing for the past three weeks. I plan to continue to do this but during the month of July I will run 2 miles a week (not consecutively) and in August I will add one more. September will be when I start running miles consecutively.

MONDAY 1 hour fit routine- I'll try and post a couple of workouts... Feel free to steal any ideas!
TUESDAY 45 min stationary bike ride
WEDNESDAY 1 hour fit routine and run 1 mile
THURSDAY 45 min elliptical
FRIDAY 1 hour fit class
SATURDAY 3 mile hike with a friend... Anyone want to join me?

My fit routine is usually a mixture if cardio and strength training. My wonderful husband usually helps me come up with the workout!

Who is gonna join me in this routine??

Friday, June 3, 2011

So it Begins

I don't know about you, but I am someone who SUCKS when it comes to keeping myself accountable to fitness.  Staying motivated is a daily struggle.  Lately I have been doing better about taking care of myself, but it requires so much more than I can provide sometimes. 

My husband works at a gym.  Last year his gym was approached to help people train for an adventure race called "The Spartan Race". Neither of us had even heard of adventure racing prior to that conversation, but as soon as he found out what it was all about, my husband went nuts.  He was so excited about the concept of the Spartan race that he not only trained people for it, but actually competed in it himself. 

So what is the Spartan race? It's a 3 and half mile run with CRAZY obstacles along the way.  Think military style challenges.  Here's a little clip to give you an idea:

So, he ran it, and I anxiously watched.  As I watched my anxiety turned into excitement.  I found myself saying "AW! I want to do this next year!!"

Well, I needed to be held to that.  So, that's what is happening right here with this blog. 

On May 19th I officially started training for this years Spartan Race.  May 19th marked exactly 6 months to the race in November.  I am committing to eat well, work hard, and run my butt off for this race.  Why? Because I need a serious change in the way I think about fitness and exercise.  This is the first time EVER in my entire life that I have looked forward to doing something that required exercise.  It is the first time ever that I have enjoyed working out!

This blog is really designed for accountability.  Friends, if you read this, HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE.  Do not be afraid to check in, either on this blog or in person. 

So, here we go.  Let the adventure begin!

Want more info on the Spartan Race? Check it out here: www.spartanrace.com

Want to enter it with me? Let me know in the comments, my husband has a discount code!!

Loving your body

To start, I first need to explain that I am NOT a person who typically enjoys working out.  Just 3 years ago I feared the gym, and thought that people who went to the gym were obsessed with their bodies and would implicitly hate me on principle.  A lot of that changed when I met my husband, who just so happens to be a personal trainer. 

Over the past few years my mindset has changed drastically, but I still struggle daily with my body image.  Often I find myself standing before my closet dibilitated in making a decision and then weeping because I hate my body.  It's an emotional struggle for both me and my very patient and kind husband who works hard to convince me that the way I perceive myself is incorrect and that my worth is not found in my image. 

A few months ago God rocked me with a huge realization.  For years I have heard people saying, "You just need to love your body".  This gospel of "loving your body" is preached by women's magazines and even Oprah.  However, I don't think a lot of people truly understand what that means.  As a woman I would look in the mirror and say, "Maybe if I work really hard, and lose  (Insert absurd amount of weight here), maybe then I'll be able to love my body".  However, what I didn't realize is that I was confusing "love" with lust.  I couldn't love my body because it wasn't something I could look at and say, "Damn, I'm sexy. My body is lust worthy".

Thinking of love, true love, I realized that love is an extremely active verb.  True love is a daily action. I love my husband, but if I only told him that I loved him, and then starved him, beat him up, and treated him with great disdain, I don't think he would believe it.  No. Love is active.  It's something that is happening constantly, and is not just an emotion.

So, what is loving your body? It's daily taking care of yourself, eating things that are good for you and giving your body the exercise it needs.  It's treating yourself with respect and not just loathing the circumstances you are stuck with.  It's using the gifts God has given you to it's fullest. I work with a few disabled people and it has opened my eyes to how much more appreciative I need to be of my body! I can walk, run, swim, and jump! Why am I not thanking God for those abilities, and USING them??

This six month journey I am on is a path I am taking to help keep myself accountable to loving my body.  What steps are you taking?

1 Corinthians 6:19 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own"