Sunday, June 19, 2011

Is the honeymoon over already???

Well. I have finished my first month of training. I'm happy to report that I have lost

9 pounds in 1 month!

That's equivalent to the weight of most newborn babies.....

Or even some small dogs.....

Or 4,077 dimes!

Which makes me one dime-y dame.... Okay that was lame

I'm encouraged by these results, but I'm not doing this for the weight loss, I'm doing this for 2 reasons:

1. To help encourage daily taking care of my body

2. To become stronger

This past week a co-worker was discussing my fitness routine. She was talking about having lost weight and then gaining half or so back. She said that once she got to her goal weight she had a hard time continuing to eat well and workout. She was being so sweet and encouraging to me and reminding me of how important it is to keep it up daily.

Now, I'm not saying this won't happen to me, but I was encouraged that I'm not trying to get to a goal weight. No, I'm trying to establish habits that will help me be healthier and thus help me compete in the Spartan race. Ironically, this is the first time in my life where I have had a fitness goal that didn't include a goal weight, and it has already been easier to lose weight than whenever I have tried in the past! I pray that when it's all over that these healthy habits remain.

That's how this first month has been. But it's also been nice and easy because I've been running on the endorphins of the excitement that comes from a new fitness routine. Now, however, the game is getting harder. This past week I found myself not working out as long, or not pushing myself as much. Eating well is really starting to become a challenge as well.

Do you hear that?


Yup. That's the walls of my preconceived notions crashing down. The honeymoon has ended and reality is here.

So it's getting hard. This is encouraging though. I have been praying through this whole process. Now I am being forced to see my need for Gods help in this. I am doing this all as an act of worship to God, and when it gets difficult I am reminded of how much I need Him!

So, the next time I reach for that sweet I can come to prayer and say "help me Jesus!" and I know He will.

In that though I could really use accountability! Ask me the next time you see me how I've been doing, and don't let me get away with just saying "good...."

What kind of things do you struggle with that remind you of your need for Gods help? I'd love to hear about it!!

Well, I'm excited for this next month, let the adventure continue!

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