Friday, June 3, 2011

So it Begins

I don't know about you, but I am someone who SUCKS when it comes to keeping myself accountable to fitness.  Staying motivated is a daily struggle.  Lately I have been doing better about taking care of myself, but it requires so much more than I can provide sometimes. 

My husband works at a gym.  Last year his gym was approached to help people train for an adventure race called "The Spartan Race". Neither of us had even heard of adventure racing prior to that conversation, but as soon as he found out what it was all about, my husband went nuts.  He was so excited about the concept of the Spartan race that he not only trained people for it, but actually competed in it himself. 

So what is the Spartan race? It's a 3 and half mile run with CRAZY obstacles along the way.  Think military style challenges.  Here's a little clip to give you an idea:

So, he ran it, and I anxiously watched.  As I watched my anxiety turned into excitement.  I found myself saying "AW! I want to do this next year!!"

Well, I needed to be held to that.  So, that's what is happening right here with this blog. 

On May 19th I officially started training for this years Spartan Race.  May 19th marked exactly 6 months to the race in November.  I am committing to eat well, work hard, and run my butt off for this race.  Why? Because I need a serious change in the way I think about fitness and exercise.  This is the first time EVER in my entire life that I have looked forward to doing something that required exercise.  It is the first time ever that I have enjoyed working out!

This blog is really designed for accountability.  Friends, if you read this, HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE.  Do not be afraid to check in, either on this blog or in person. 

So, here we go.  Let the adventure begin!

Want more info on the Spartan Race? Check it out here:

Want to enter it with me? Let me know in the comments, my husband has a discount code!!

1 comment:

  1. heather you are such an inspiration. truly. this doesn't look like a walk in the park.. but it does look like fun. good luck. maybe we can watch you and shawn? that would be so much fun!
